Booking Engine



In PlugHub, repositories are foundational structures that store and organize various types of resources. Each repository represents a collection of items that can be booked, such as tickets, rooms, or products. Repositories are defined by their type and can be associated with specific attributes to facilitate organization and access.

Key Concepts

  • Repository Type: Each repository is categorized by a type that defines its purpose, such as 'Events', 'Accommodations', 'Retail', or 'Services'. This categorization helps in applying consistent attributes and operations specific to the type.
  • Attributes: Repositories can have various attributes like capacity, location, availability constraints, and more, which help in managing the resources effectively.

Creating and Configuring a Repository

Creating a repository involves several steps that ensure resources are well-organized and accessible:

  1. Define the Repository Type: Start by defining what kind of resources the repository will hold. This type affects how items are structured and managed.
  2. Specify Attributes: Based on the type, you can specify additional attributes. For instance, an event repository might require attributes like date, time, and venue capacity.
  3. Associate Groupers and Groups: Link the repository to relevant groupers and groups to enhance discoverability and querying capabilities. This step is crucial for facilitating effective searches and categorization.

Managing Repositories

Efficient management of repositories is key to maintaining an organized and user-friendly booking system:

  • Updating Information: Regularly update repository information to reflect changes in resource management, such as changes in venue capacity or new services.
  • Monitoring Usage: Keep track of how resources are being booked and accessed to optimize the configuration and improve user experience.
  • Security and Permissions: Set appropriate permissions to control who can manage or access the repository data, ensuring data integrity and security.

Use Cases

Repositories are versatile and can be utilized in various scenarios:

  • Concert Venues: Manage different events, categorize them by genre, and handle ticket bookings.
  • Hotel Chains: Organize properties by location and type, manage room availability, and handle reservations.
  • Retail Stores: Catalog products, manage inventory levels, and process online reservations or pickups.


Imagine a repository for a chain of cinemas. Each cinema is a repository with attributes such as location, number of theaters, and seating capacity. Movies are scheduled as items within these repositories, and customers can book tickets based on the availability of shows.

Best Practices

  • Consistent Data Entry: Ensure that data entered into repositories is consistent and follows predefined formats to avoid errors in bookings.
  • Regular Audits: Perform regular audits of repository data to ensure accuracy and relevancy of the information provided.
  • Scalability Considerations: Design repositories with scalability in mind to accommodate growth in resource types or increases in booking volume.


Repositories in PlugHub play a critical role in organizing and managing bookings efficiently. By understanding and utilizing the full capabilities of repositories, resource owners can enhance their service offerings and provide a seamless booking experience to their users.